If you have a coupon binder, you will not only be more organized, but you may just find a few unadvertised deals while you are out and about. (Yes, I carry my binder with me everywhere I go. You should too.)
Below you will find the steps to getting your binder set up for a nice sorted, categorized coupon stash!
1. Get a binder- You can find a coupon binder at your local discount stores in the school supplies section. Any 3 ring binder will do, but I prefer the types that zip closed since I have a curious 3 year old.
2. Get some baseball card sleeve sheets- You can find these at Walmart in between the registers where they keep the trading cards. They are plastic sheets with 9 sleeves. These are perfect for keeping your coupons in.
3. Get some tab divders- You can get these at your local discount store as well for $1-$2 dollars. You will need theses for separating sections in your binder and for labeling sections.
4. Label your tab dividers- Some common categories you can use are as follows:
- Baby
- Snacks
- Laundry
- Soap
- Cleaning Supplies
- Dairy
- Dental
- Deodorant
- Feminine Hygiene
- Hair Products
- Make Up
- Skin Care Products
- Paper Products
- Pharmacy
- Condiments
- Candy
- Beverages
- Dry Foods
- Baking Products
- Refridgerated Meats
- Canned Food
- Refridgerated Bread
- Produce
- Yogurt
- Frozen Foods
5. Add your coupons!
It's really that simple. I have been using a coupon binder on and off for 2 years now and I have found it is much easier to store my coupon inserts in page pockets separated by type of insert such as Smart Source, RedPlum, etc. I always put my loose coupons I get by mail or from blinkies in the binder card pockets.
I hope this was helpful to you! If you have any questions, please comment below and I will answer you as soon as possible!
Coupon 101